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Friday, February 18, 2011

Lincoln Man Hired Police To Kill Roommates

Nothing screams "I'm a little upset" like hiring someone to murder your roommates. I believe, though I may be mistaken, that Andrew Yager probably only wanted to send a message of peace when he went looking for a hitman.
"You'll listen. I'll give you this fruit basket. Then I'll be on my way"

Now this story is from September, but for those of you who weren't reading the news, a 22 year old Andrew Yager was booted from his apartment by his roommate for "his behavior".

Whatever that means.

So In September he began telling his friend that he wanted his roommate "taken care of". Now before you says "Elliott, its obvious he was guilt ridden from being an asshole and wanted someone to do something nice for them."

Then congratulations, you made the same mistake I did. No, unfortunately Mr. Yager also mentioned some other things he would like to see done, including:
  •  Her car get damaged
  • Her Apartment get lit on fire and her be taken out
  • Her back be broken, so she couldn't have sex, or go to the bathroom by herself
  • He also mentioned having her dog killed
    His friend, having the sneaking suspicion that all these statements might be early warning signs of Andrew planning to kill someone, tipped off the local authorities.
    And they didn't like that at all.

    So the undercover police then posed as a man willing to accept currency in exchange for directly causing the death of the roommate (that's the illegal portion of all this). After convincing the roommate to pose for a picture that would imply she was dead, they showed it to Mr. Yager, who laughed it off, $140 well spent!

    This story has one.

    Yager was arrested, and this week, pleaded no contest to a slew of charges that served him damn right for not punching a pillow instead.

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